Worklist Column Definitions

Column Name



Payer number

Short Name of Business Partner

Customer (aka Business Partner) name


system generated - based on collection strategy

Specialist (Complete Name)

Collector assigned to Business Partner


usually USD


Balance of Business Partner's receivables, debits, credits in the collection segment. (Includes both delinquent & amt within terms)

To Be Collected

The total of all overdue and due items minus the items for which there are open promises to pay, dispute cases that are not to be collected, or current dunning notices.

The indicator Consideration of Due Date for Cash Discount in the collection strategy controls whether cash discount is considered in the calculation of the amounts.

Items where payment has been arranged are not included in the amount to be collected.


Total of all amounts from promises to pay that have been promised but not paid.

Disputed Amount

Total of all items of the business partner in a collection segment that are included in dispute cases as disputed objects.


Total of all dunned items of a business partner in the collection segment.

Highest Dun. Level

In the worklist, the highest dunning level of a business partner in the collection segment is displayed.

Last Dunning

Date that last dunning took place

Last Payment

Date the last payment was received.

Resubmission Date

Date the line item will appear again on worklist - allows them to put collections on hold for a period of time

Name of Resubmission Reason

Associated with the Resubmission Date

Name of Credit Segment

Always Intel Worldwide Credit Segment

Credit Limit

Names the credit limit of the business partner in a credit segment. For lower level Business Partner, not shell. If lower level business Partner does not have a credit line, then the Shell Business Partner's credit limit will be shown.

Utilization %

Percentage of credit limit being utilized.

Risk Class

Indicates the score assigned to the business partner from the view of SAP Credit Management. The risk class is a classification of the score.

Last Contact

System generated from Customer Contact screen completed by Collection Analyst.

Name/Loc. Main Contact

Name and address of main contact for Business Partner.

Start (of call time)

not used

End (of call time)

not used


A collection strategy controls the priority of a worklist item (business partner per collection segment). It also controls the preparation and the due date valuation and sorting of receivables of a business partner.


Worklist items are prioritized according to the strategy used. The priority is derived from the percentage valuation of the item.

Name of Collection Strategy

A collection strategy controls the priority of a worklist item (business partner per collection segment). It also controls the preparation and the due date valuation and sorting of receivables of a business partner.

Due Date Period 1

In the strategy, you define how the due and overdue items of a business partner are to be sorted. The display is both tabular and graphical in the worklist.

Due Date Period 2


Due Date Period 3


Overdue Period 1


Overdue Period 2


Overdue Period 3


Overdue Period 4



no definition in SAP

Collection Segment

Collection segments group company codes of a company from the view of SAP Collections Management so that transaction data (open items, dispute cases, promises to pay, ...) of a business partner from these company codes can be considered together.

Name of Collection Segment

Collection segments group company codes of a company from the view of SAP Collections Management so that transaction data (open items, dispute cases, promises to pay, ...) of a business partner from these company codes can be considered together.

Technical Key or Worklist item

no definition in SAP

Collection Group

A collection group consists of collection specialists that are to make contact with customers in SAP Collections Management.

Name of Collection Group

A collection group consists of collection specialists that are to make contact with customers in SAP Collections Management.

Date of Worklist Item

Date from which the processing of worklist items is to begin.

Run ID

Identification of a program run that created a worklist.

Worklist Item is Completed

indicator field

Version of Collection Strategy

no definition in SAP


A worklist item is valuated according to the rules of the strategy . The points of all rules applicable

are added together and result in the valuation.

Percentage Valuation

The percentage valuation of a worklist item shows what proportion of the maximum possible valuation of a strategy the valuation of the business partner produced.

Collection Rule with Highest Valuation

no definition in SAP

Prerequisite for Rule

no definition in SAP

Condition for Rule

no definition in SAP


no definition in SAP

Telephone Number of Contact Person

Telephone number of the contact person at the business partner

Result of the Contact

no definition in SAP

Name: Result of the Customer Contact

no definition in SAP

Start of Visit Time

Visiting hours of contact person at customer

End of Visit Time

Visiting hours of contact person at customer


In the worklist, the Outstanding Amount is displayed as the balance of receivables (debit) and credits (credit) of the business partner in the collection segment.

The indicator Consideration of Due Date for Cash Discount in the collection strategy controls whether cash discount is considered in the calculation of the amounts.


In the worklist, the Outstanding Amount is displayed as the balance of receivables (debit) and credits (credit) of the business partner in the collection segment.

The indicator Consideration of Due Date for Cash Discount in the collection strategy controls whether cash discount is considered in the calculation of the amounts.

Amount Due in the Future

Total of all open items of the business partner in the collection segment that are due on the key date or in the future.

Amount Overdue

Total of all items of the business partner in the collection segment that, based on the key date, are now overdue since at least one day.

Amount Arranged

The amount arranged for payment is calculated from the open items of an invoice

  • that are collected with a debit memo procedure

  • or where payment was notified in the account balance statement from the bank.


Total of all receivables that have been promised but not paid within the time agreed.

Resubmission Time

no definition in SAP

Resubmission Reason

no definition in SAP

Credit Segment

Alphanumeric key of the credit segment.


Specifies the score of a business partner determined by SAP Credit Management.

Name of Risk Class

no definition in SAP

External Valuation

For the business partner, the most current rating, the related rating procedure, and the validity date are displayed.

External Valuation Procedure

The rating procedure for the most current rating.

External Valuation Valid To

The date to which the rating is valid.

Created By

no definition in SAP

Created By (complete name)

no definition in SAP

Created On

no definition in SAP

Last Changed By

no definition in SAP

Last Changed By (complete name)

no definition in SAP

Last Changed On

no definition in SAP

Due Date Period 4

In the strategy, you define how the due and overdue items of a business partner are to be sorted. The display is both tabular and graphical in the worklist.

Due Date Period 5

In the strategy, you define how the due and overdue items of a business partner are to be sorted. The display is both tabular and graphical in the worklist.

Overdue Period 5

In the strategy, you define how the due and overdue items of a business partner are to be sorted. The display is both tabular and graphical in the worklist.